HRH Tongsa Penlop Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck’s Speech
In Accepting His Doctorate Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics Conferred by Rangsit University Delivered during the University’s Commencement Exercises November 26, 2006
Ambassador's Address

Dear readers,I am pleased I can greet you on the pages of a project representing the support our country, a member of the European Union,
TOESPRAAK OP NATIONALE MOEDERDAGAt Wat DhammaphateepKouter dreef, 37 MechelenAugust 21st, 2005
Tekst van Ven. Sakkamedhi BhikkhuVertaald door Miss Bantita P. and Miss Nantawan S.
Welkom iedereenMama is het eerste

This is the third election to take place in Cambodia since the Paris peace agreement of 1991 which brought an end to decades of war and revolution - and it could be the most important.

The funeral of the wife of the late Khmer Rouge leader, Pol Pot, has taken place in north-western Cambodia.

Several former senior Khmer Rouge figures

A United Nations report criticising the Cambodian administration of the Khmer Rouge trials has been made public.

The report says the special courts are
